Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Ian Downing: ET Algorithm 01

Description of Work

The images above are the result of the in class exercise in which each student created a series of rules ("sudocode") in order to attempt to create something of interest. In this particular set of rules, the participants utilized their own birthday (month/day) in order to influence and effect the outcome of the drawing. As a result, the final drawing became a representation of the class as a whole. In the large image above, the top represents the month in which each student was born (from January on the right, to December on the left), while the bottom represented the day (from the 1st on the right, to the 31st on the left). The connections between the two sides create intersections which were highlighted, giving visual interest to the piece.


1. Using the straightedge, draw a line (in pencil) connecting the month and day, which corresponds to your birthday. (First line drawn represents January 26th)
- The left side divisions correspond to the month (Top January-December Bottom).
- The right side divisions correspond to the day (Top 1-31 Bottom).
2. Where your line intersects another one, trace the nickel (in black pen) to draw a circle around each intersection.
3. If the nickel seems to be missing, use the red pen to draw a dot at the intersections.
4. Using the straightedge, draw one red line of any length passing through two circled intersections.

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